Episode 94

Mormon Mind Games Revealed: An Epistemological Discussion with Kolby Reddish

On this episode of Mormonish Podcast, Rebecca and Landon are joined by the wonderful Kolby Reddish as we dive in to the importance of epistemology as a method to determine truthfulness.

There is a growing concept in the LDS church that the more something appears to not be true, that only proves it's truth more strongly. And of course, faith strengthens this idea. Kolby shares his thoughts and experiences with epistemology and explains how this tool to determine truth is invaluable.

Epistemology is defined as "the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion and it can teach us how to avoid believing things, even true things, for bad reasons. The longest standing definition of knowledge dates back clear to ancient Greek philosophy as "justified true belief." That means believing something that is consistent with reality for good reasons.

As Sasha Sagan says, "It's dangerous to believe things just because you want them to be true." And this is where we need to consider what our epistemic standards are: at what point are we justified in believing something? What is the most common standard in Mormonism for believing truth claims?

We know you'll find this episode as fascinating as we did!

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About your hosts

Profile picture for Rebecca Bibliotheca

Rebecca Bibliotheca

Rebecca Bibliotheca is a mother or three boys, co-founder of "The Good Book Club," a virtual reading group for post and nuanced Mormons, cohost of "Mormon Media Reviews," and leader of the "Mormon Stories Book Club." She has a Masters of Library and Information Science from BYU and worked for many years at the BYU Library. She and her husband, Tom, also founded a youth theater program that is in its 19th year. Rebecca loves the theater, reading, film, spending times outdoors, church watching and iced coffee!
Profile picture for Landon Brophy

Landon Brophy

Landon Brophy is the proud father of four children, two grandchildren, three ATVs and a boat. He's a former military officer, the co-founder of The Good Book Club, a reading group for post and nuanced Mormons, ann international manager for a global defense contractor, and a worldwide traveler. He and his wife founded "Utah Wanderers," an online travel guide to exploring Utah. Landon loves the outdoors, ATVing, boating, flying, reading, observing the "ongoing restoration" and second Saturdays!